WE HOPE THAT YOU ENJOYED YOUR SUMMER! Your executive did not take the summer off – instead, with the help of several members, it launched a MEMBERSHIP DRIVE. When we were not a registered society, we considered every name on our list as a member, even if they did not pay dues. Now that we are registered we have extra expenses and obligations to cover, so it is important that we have a paid up membership that well represents our community. We signed up 29 new members including two business memberships: Ray Kim at Shefield & Sons and Andy Tam of Arbutus Jewellers. Both businesses are in the Shopping Centre Mall. Say hello to them the next time you are there. We want to encourage businesses to become members because they are so important to our community.
- MAYOR GREGOR’S AFFORDABLE HOUSING TASK FORCE - We joined forces with NSV – Vancouver’s neighbourhood lobby group - to urge Council to slow down on the task force’s recommendations until the communities involved have time to study the report. Vancouver has a habit of giving residents short notice before the vote goes to Council and, this time, we had three days – no time to consider all the unintended consequences. The Affordability committee was composed mostly of development industry individuals, some of whom may have a conflict of interest. The report also overrides community plans which were developed and approved as early as 2005. Because of the outcry from residents, Council did back-pedal on its “thin streets” proposal but increasing density along major transit routes still begs careful consideration. If the proposed buildings must be affordable-rental or sold at a 20% discount, who is picking up the tab? Lots of questions to answer! Pete McMartin’s recent articles in the Vancouver Sun, provides some of the answers - densification actually hurts the quality of life in our cities. Read Wendell Cox’ Mobility and Prosperity in the City of the Future. If you wish to read the City’s Task Force report, let me know and I will send you the link. It is 40 pages long.
· - 16TH & ARBUTUS – Losing the bowling alley at the Ridge redevelopment is a concern to a lot of our residents. They entered the protest march to City Hall on October 9th and signed up to speak at the Development Permit Board meeting. Council will reconsider the development plans on October 22nd. To offer support contact [email protected].
· - UBC’s Alma Mater Society Get on Board Campaign – We offered our support to the AMS committee which is trying to find solutions to improve rapid transit. Every day, on the Broadway corridor, over 3000 people, trying to get to school or work, are “passed up” by busses. AMS sees the problem as lack of funding for transit. You can help and support at [email protected].
IF YOU HAVE NOT PAID YOUR ARCA FEES FOR 2012/3, contact Marie Clarke 604-263-5086 [email protected] or Doreen Braverman 604-263-6051 [email protected].