Arbutus Ridge Community Association
Fall 2018 Newsletter
We are approaching a moment when the future of Vancouver City may be determined by an unusual civic election. Almost all of the City Council will be replaced. The most important service a voter can offer is to become well informed and vote. ARCA intends to provide as much and as accurate information as possible on the views of the candidates and the sources of information without taking a partisan position. In particular, we have included in this newsletter a listing of All Candidates meetings being held nearby. A more complete and detailed list will be maintained on our website.

In order to assist us in these projects we rely on an interested and supportive membership. Please support us by renewing your membership on our website! 

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All Candidates Meetings

Open houses for RS / RT zones

RS zones citywide and RT7/RT8 Kitsilano and RT10 Cedar Cottage - Sept. 18, 2018 - agenda not online yet.

Council reports:

   RS Rezoning

   RT7/RT8 & RT10

RS zoning open houses near Arbutus Ridge:

   Wednesday September 12, 5-8pm

   Dunbar Community Centre, Room 006

   4747 Dunbar Street

RT7/RT8 Kitsilano and RT10 Cedar Cottage rezoning open house:

   Thursday September 6, 5-8 pm

   Trout Lake Community Centre

   3350 Victoria Drive

Note: None of these open houses are posted publicly as far as we know. Notices have been sent around privately.

Making Room. Bust or Boom?

By Roy Wares

Random Rezoning

For what reason has Vancouver city council’s proposed opening single-family zoning areas to multiple unit developments? Would it solve the city’s accommodation and affordability problem?
Or would the course of action lead to a speculator developer charter? Or a combination?  

Regardless of results, a choice of either one plan or a combination of both would effect massive changes in future city neighborhoods.  Instead of an urban format guided by evidence, plans and community consultation, economic targets would serve to guide and direct city planning.  

Community groups should remain alert to indications of this change.
Vancouver embarked on an ambitious program during its remaining days with a VISION-dominated city council. The MAKING ROOM initiative is a radical suggestion aimed at intermingling triplexes, quadplexes and multi-unit buildings in RS- and RT-zoned areas.
Apparently, our current city council prefers to exclude community groups as stakeholders in initial zoning consultations.  Excluding such participation in single family zones introduces a question on how representative and transparent the initiative may be.

Of prime importance in a community group, ARCA recognizes the social and economic havoc inflicted by our city’s current housing availability and affordability crisis. ARCA welcomes housing policy initiatives.  However, our group is perplexed by an evidently selective consultation process.  How then would selectivity lead to a better policy?

Questions of interest to ARCA members:  


1)    Might the Making Room initiative best be described as a finely tuned policy planning process? How might it bring short or long-term housing issues into balance in Vancouver?

2)    Or, is the proposal an attempt to rezone Vancouver by avoiding existing policies?

3)    How and why should community groups be excluded from initial consultation?

4)    How and why are housing issues so inflexible that elected representatives exclusively are entitled to change urban zoning policies without involving voters and/or assessing costs, risks and benefits?

5)    In the event the housing issue is viewed as complex beyond solution, why has Council allowed it to develop beyond the point of community action?

Informal discussions with other citizens may disclose similar reservations.  We may ask if there’s a suspicion that elected councils view community consultation as an impediment in solving Vancouver’s housing problems? 

We suggest asking questions one (1) to five (5) to elicit more workable information in the forthcoming choice of election candidates.


This item came to us from a member

A little Spanish Vancouver Cottage

Its very small but something very special and a part of our wonderful city historic starter home housing! 2791 west 33rd Ave. catches your eye as you drive or bike by. I thought it just might fit into the S.W. Marine Drive Casa Mia mansions Walt Disney Room!

Move it; do not demolish it! It's the land under it that someone wants to build a new monster house on. The protective storm fencing has been installed around the boulevard trees and one day soon, in just a few hours, the wonderful little McKenzie Spanish starter house and its Vancouver history will be gone to the Delta Landfill in a long demolition truck!

Please someone, take its picture and post before it is too late!

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Fall 2018 Newsletter

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